The Patrixbourne Top is a stylish design-led Top, suitable for casual and formal occasions
Knitted in a single piece this unique lifestyle garment can be worn in many different ways.

Knitted sideways from right to left on the machine knitting bed
The images show just a few of the many different way this Top can be worn

The Patrixbourne Top visual pattern is ideal for you to try your own design ideas, simply by knitting some ‘ Slip and Loop rows whilst knitting you will be able to create something truly remarkable in your own colours and style
Watch Anne, demonstrate just how straight forward it is to create The Patrixbourne Top in a Focused Video FREE Step by Step Visuals.
Special studio offer price – £10.00
https://home-machine-knitting.co.uk/category/tutorials/If you are not already familiar with our visual pattern system of machine knitting, why not visit the Tutorial section and see just our easy they are to follow
Each Diagram Key pattern comes complete with a visual Creative Portfolio -
Please be aware, Anne Lavene the designer of the ‘Designer Direct’ collection of garments and accessories holds the sole copyrights of her creations. An individual purchasing one of our ‘Living Knitwear’ visual machine knitting patterns, automatically agrees to the terms and conditions for a copy please email office@home-machine-knitting.co.uk